I remember organizing my entire office – including the old school filing cabinet – after all, isn’t any form of productive procrastination better than having to face the blinking cursor?

You know what I’m talking about … the mere frustration you experience as you stare at a blank screen …
Not knowing what to write first.
Doubting your skill set.
Feeling overwhelmed.
The fear of not being good enough …
Like a deer in headlights … your mind draws a blank … your breathing becomes rapid, and although you remain seated, you become light-headed. Am I close?
… an answer you know all too well.
And no, no amount of productive procrastination is a good thing. Why?
‘Cause it gets you nowhere fast.
Fortunately, for me, the days of Signature Course blues are over, and they can be for you, too … when you implement my steps for overcoming … heck I know it’s a preventative measure, you’ll become a high performer … a coach with an action plan to deliver a profitable signature course.
And I’m going to share actionable insight with you right here.
The number one mistake most coaches make …
Alright, let’s say you’ve been coaching for a while. You know your audience. You’ve nailed your niche. You’re generating a steady income from coaching, and now, you’re ready to take it to the next level.
You’ve decided to up-level your coaching business.
And to do this, you need to design an offer that will attract those dream clients ready to invest.
Yep, you got it … you’re trading words for dollars here.
But your expertise pulls in the bank.
The mere thought of creating a ‘high-ticket’ offer causes the ‘inner butterflies to flutter’.
You’ve lost sleep in the excitement of moving forward.
And now, you’re in your office, at your computer, and as you open up a Word doc, there’s a heatwave.
Now, you might be years away from a ‘hot flash,’ but as you wipe your brow and click on the new blank page, there she is … that dang blinking cursor.
Like an Olympian waiting for the starting pistol, you gear up to bring your big idea to life.
But instead of sprinting to the finish line …
It’s a false start.
You draw a blank.
The ideas you had at 2 a.m. are all but lost.
And as you reflect upon the notes, you made the day before.
The words do not flow.
Your inner mean girl awakens, and you hear her nattering voice … “what are you thinking? You can’t pull this off … you’re a fake … a fraud … no one will want your course” … and just like that, your big idea fades, and you feel defeated.
You cast aside your signature idea (big mistake).
You’re leaving money on the table.
Sound familiar?
Here’s how you can take on your big idea …
For the moment … you can avoid that blank screen.
And yah, for some, this maybe a little old school, but if you’re at a loss … you have nothing to lose!
It’s time to get creative.
From pen to paper and from good to great.
I’m a visual person … I appreciate art, the written word, and you guessed it … I’m inspired by reliving the story (experience) as I remember it.
As a Copywriter, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
But this method doesn’t only apply to writers.
This method applies to you, the Coach too …
… it will guide you as you craft (& sell) a signature course that is perfectly suited to the needs of those you serve and, in the end, it scales your business.
LT’s Method to Getting Things Done with a Creative Flare

Creativity shows itself in various forms and at all hours.
Your best ideas may come to you in the shower; an appropriate ask of Siri is to capture & save XYZ in your mobile notes section.
Or perhaps it’s best to have a notepad at your bedside to snag ideas that come to you as you wake abruptly at 3 a.m.
And, when you become inspired throughout the day. I encourage you to jot down ‘the riches’ in a journal you have on hand.
When it comes to pooling your ideas, inspiration, and expertise … don’t assume you’ll craft a Signature Course in one sitting.
I can promise you … that is highly unlikely.
But don’t let a little work deter you.
You’ve got this.
And don’t go powering up the computer just yet!
Instead, get a little creative.
There are a few things you can do to switch things up … and don’t worry; your keyboard isn’t going anywhere.
First, nail down what you want to achieve by offering a Signature Course, and then …
- Handwrite free-flowing ideas about the course … don’t stop to correct yourself … write freely to allow both your creativity and your imagination to wander (some of my best ideas have come together this way).
- Get a large piece of Bristol board and map out your ideas into themes.
- Focus on what your ideal client is looking for, what challenges they currently have (pain points), how you’ll address these issues, what you’ll offer, the benefits to the client, the overall outcome, the flow of the course, modules offered, bonuses and how it’s delivered.
To organize your thoughts and map out your signature program …
- Outline the building blocks (modules) – here; you identify the pain points and what you’ll focus on.
- Define the strategies (practical steps & techniques) – here; you define a framework to implement to address the problem(s) … here, your expertise comes into play.
- Lesson Content (mastering each module) pertains to the material, including actionable steps, stories, examples, testimonials, and worksheets.
- Actionable Insight (knowledge comes into play) is a way for each student to master each module (strategy) and reach their desired outcome. Include actionable insight in each module so the student can apply what they’ve learned, step-by-step.
Be mindful of your brand voice, your story, the terminology used, and overall style – consistency is key.
- Use 4×6 cue cards to organize your thoughts (ideas, modules, exercises, topics, videos) and then stick them on a corkboard to create sections … ideally, this method allows you to play with the outline and the flow of the course. (this can also be done on a whiteboard – take a snapshot)
- Determine what aspects of your story would be most useful to add your personality to the course content. What can you share that will captivate them, resonate, and aid in bringing about the most significant transformation?
- Each module should have at least 2 exercises (with a step-by-step video) to help students move through the course to reach their desired outcome.
- Each module should be clear, concise, and include valuable strategies and techniques.
- Each module must be informative, entertaining, and relevant.
- Each module should educate and inspire * keep their interest using different mediums: pen to paper exercises, fillable workbooks, video, and graphics.
- Identify 2-3 points (takeaways) per module as actionable insight (to move the needle).

If you need inspiration … delve into personal experiences, surf the net, look around to see what people are reacting to, struggling with and what’s in demand. Listen to your market and actively participate by adding value to your networking groups to build your following and to pay it forward.
Keep an eye on your competition but don’t hesitate to do something that will stand out. Capture ideas but put your spin on it and never be a copycat.
If you’re creative but you lookin’ to save a tree … by all means … jump on your keyboard.
At the end of your brainstorming sesh … you must admit you’re more organized now than you were yesterday.
Soon your signature system will provide a path with actionable steps. Resulting in your clients obtaining their desired outcome: improving their life or business.
Utilize affirmations along the way.
And what do great affirmations create? A healthy mindset. Not to mention the confidence to scale your business as you continuously share your knowledge and add value!
Believe in your expertise.
- Discover where the gaps are and what is currently available online
- Conduct ample research to understand the needs of your clients
- Obtain feedback on your course draft, be open to constructive criticism
- Have people test your course at a discount, and obtain testimonials
- Determine how you can price the course to sell
- Give your audience what they desire (results do matter)
- And don’t forget your promise … offer a course guarantee
Now that you have an outline of what you’ll offer, and you can speak to the benefits … I bet you washed ‘the signature blues’ away. Am I right?
It’s peace of mind … and that’s not even the best part.
‘Cause now that you have a plan of action and have gained feedback … you can ensure your words impact prospects to buy … you can do this by taking it one step further to include personal-driven copy (storytelling) throughout your course material.
No more scattered ideas, writer’s block, or lack of creativity.
Once your computer takes on power … input the information gathered from the steps noted above and apply them to a new Word doc. Then work off of those ideas to move toward the construction of your signature course.
And this is the best part …
Hooray … you’re now a high performer. Your passion is noted. You’re highly organized and inspired to create a course worthy of mass consumption.
Now I’m not saying you’ll become a billionaire with one new signature course, but I am owning this … you can put an end to the blues. If your coaching business is a little behind the competition, a signature course with personality-driven copy may save you from going under.
If you would like to avoid a DIY project … contact Lara to discuss crafting copy for your Signature Course.
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