Hey, before I receive a rant about using curse words online … I’m a professional … but I do love catchy headlines!
My message here is all about ways to FUEL your storytelling.
And what better way than by using a storytelling framework for Coaches.
How do I know this framework will work in your coaching business?
Because …
Story is a game-changer.
And because I know that …
1. Everyone loves a good story.
2. The power of storytelling can differentiate your business.
3. Your story can hook dream clients from the very first sentence.
How can this work for your biz, you ask?
Well, beyond all the hype and glam of Insta, there is a pen to paper world revealing cognitive secrets.
Have you seen the headlines?
Breakthroughs in Neuroscience zero in on aspects of the brain … all of which tell us we indeed are wired for story.
And if you think story is left to the likes of writers, school teachers, and bedtime apps, you are mistaken.
Storytelling is a business skill that will move the needle.
Successful Coaches like Brooke Castillo, Dean Graziosi and the likes of Brendon Burchard and Bishop T.D. Jakes have skyrocketed their business by sharing great stories.
Brooke Castillo, the owner of The Life Coach School, shares how she overcame depression & an eating disorder by discovering that self-help can change your life … it certainly changed hers … she’s now a multi-millionaire.
Dean Graziosi was once an ‘underdog’ mechanic with big dreams. His life long journey is a respectable one. Dean has become a top paid Business Coach and is a multiple New York Times Best Seller who is busy building an empire … have you read The Underdog Advantage?
Brendon Burchard is also a New York Times Best Seller and is well known for his book High-Performance Habits. His work in business leadership is sought after … he coaches Oprah!
Bishop T.D Jakes is one of the most influential voices in the USA. He serves The Potter House, a non-denominational megachurch, but he is also a New York Times Best Selling author and filmmaker. His storytelling is admirable.

Do you recognize a pattern here?
… you guessed it, they ALL use storytelling to fuel their business.
Indeed, they make an impact, but they effectively use storytelling to monetize their message.
Most Coaches think their value is based on what they offer, but really, it’s how you make people feel as you serve them.
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou
It’s that emotional connection that fuels the success of your story and what keeps prospects wanting more.
If a writer can feel the difference, how do you think your story affects your audience?
Does it make them feel good?
Are they left feeling inspired?
Or perhaps your story draws them in to take part in a journey that will change their lives forever.
The answer … it’s all of the above.
Once you tap into their why, then pique their curiosity and trigger a rush of dopamine … you’ve got their attention.
And after all, any engaging story written to hold one’s interest will have them asking for more.
If you’re a newbie without a niche, you’re most likely striving to have any consistency in generating revenue.
If you’re more seasoned, you might be chasing high-paying clients.
Either way, you know you need a strategy.
And even as you tap into your latest blueprint … you know something is missing.
Your story is nowhere to be found.
Unfortunately, most Coaches have a vague website full of buzzwords, jargon, and a message similar to their competition …

“I help you find your purpose.”
“I can help you with your next big breakthrough.”
“I increase your conversions 10X through the power of strategy.“
“I’ll make you more money with high-converting offers.“
“I’ve created … I’ve done XYZ.”
Which is all fine and dandy, but …
… do they feel connected to you and trust you’ll deliver?
… does your audience have a clear understanding of what their next steps are?
And do they believe you’ll generate real value in their life or business?
It’s unlikely.
They’re more apt to waiver and check out your competition.
And if your competitor is a great storyteller, they’ll win them over.
A neuroscientist from Harvard University, Professor Zaltman, has found emotion drives decision-making and purchasing behavior.
Zaltman further explains by merely marketing the attributes of your product or services; you will likely generate lackluster results. (Chierotti, 2018).
In turn, this explains why prospects are driven by feelings and respond to storytelling in business.
Keep in mind: “People will never forget how you made them feel.” Amen to the likes of Ms. Angelou; she did her best.

Why storytelling is key to scaling your business
Do you think it’s time you stopped wasting marketing dollars by relying on prospects to ogle your graphics or gravitate to freebies?
I trust you shouted a resounding YES!
If people decided coaching was ineffective around the globe, most Coaches would struggle to write a story that sticks to sell their products or services.
In turn, that would ignite mindset wars and a level of confusion about succeeding in the coaching arena.
But I haven’t crafted this message to explain why coaches have mindset blocks or stress over their lack of success.
I’m here to encourage you to use storytelling in your business to attract & sell to dream clients.
No guesswork. No frustration. No dreaming.
Allow me to share a storytelling framework to fuel your biz …
- Determine what the primary outcome is, what you wish to convey to your audience … this, in turn, is the goal of your story.
- Tell a story that takes your prospect on a journey.
- The prospect is the main character, and you’re the narrator.
- Identify the problem & shape your story with conflict, challenges, failures, pain points & resolve (solution).
- Embed personality-driven copy to elicit an emotional connection.
- Be as specific as possible & offer details to arouse our imagination & our senses.
- Build a foundation line by line, so your audience resonates with your overall message.
- Include essential aspects & speak directly to your reader … grab their full, undivided attention.
- Come full circle. Your story has a beginning, middle & an end … once complete, revisit the intro through a different lens & with a new sense of purpose.
Confession: There was a time I struggled to find my voice & write copy to inspire MY CLIENTS.
It was hard to nail down who I wanted to serve.
My voice was small, and power words were scarce.
I was determined to learn how to write personality-driven copy that converts.
And you know what happened?
And now, I serve MY DREAM CLIENTS.
I did this by sharing my journey (a deep dive) as a way to connect with my audience with a zero-marketing budget.
I’ve been able to own my story, transform my copy, and develop a signature process to help Coaches better communicate with their audience.
I use copy to scale my business, and you can too!
That’s the power of storytelling.
Engagement. Irresistible Messaging. Copy that Converts.
The Nitty Gritty

How would Storytelling Change your Business or Your Brand?
I can tell you with complete certainty that the Storytelling framework I use does all the above and much more.
And now successful Coaches continue to use this skill set, action by action, word for word, to grow their audience and turn browsers into buyers.
If you gather the details, you can craft the words to create a story worthy of genuine engagement.
It’s time to step into the world of storytelling to fuel your business.
It all begins with one word.
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