Up-Level Your Business with Words that Work

I bet you have a message in your head that you can’t put down on paper.
Or perhaps the message you put out there isn’t resonating with your audience, yes?
I get it. It’s frustrating as all get out.
And if you’re not a fan of your copy … there’s a way to change that.
As a copywriter, my job (and what I LOVE to do) is to help Coaches stand out and sell faster with copy that connects.
I’m obsessed with creating copy that counts and maxing out your story.
Allow me to share some tips and tricks with you today.
Let’s Zero in Behind the Scenes
We are surrounded by copy each day … on television, online, and even amongst our neighboring stores.
You may assume simple copy is rarely profound.
But I would beg to differ.
Copy that appears simple has done its job.
The job of showcasing words clearly and concisely is to captivate the targeted audience.
What compels people to take action is often the result of simplified copy.
The likes of Starbucks that extends a warm cup of Joe from “their home to yours,” and the sweet-talkin’ copy of Bath & Body Works that offers “body care and fragrances you’ll love.”
Each statement consists of simple words whipped together to make an emotional connection and compel you to take action.
Starbucks gets you thinking of the warmth felt as you enjoy coffee time with a friend. And the copy used by Bath & Body Works lends itself to targeting your desire to feel good and to be admired.
Consumers are continuously persuaded to buy based on how it makes us feel or what the product or service can do for us.
And we know this how?
Because since the dawn of time, copywriters and Ad Agency Tycoon’s like Ogilvy or the distinguished ‘Don Draper’ knew the best way to turn browsers into buyers was (and is) by creating an emotional connection. (Photo by CodeRed)

How to Craft Words that Work
First and foremost, ask yourself if you know who you’re serving.
If it’s a resounding yassss I do … then as you craft copy, speak their language (avoid the use of jargon and keep it simple).
It’s essential to have a good grasp of the words they use and how they describe obstacles, struggles, and desires.
It’s a great idea to conduct feedback sessions and pose questions in networking groups to obtain little nuggets as copy.
- Write clearly and concisely (have them read rather than scan)
- The key is to start strong and note what is in it for them
- Clearly express what you offer, be consistent and informative BUT add a dash of personality and if warranted, share a story to draw them in
- ALWAYS review and edit … typos and grammatical errors create doubt
- Craft catchy headlines and descriptions to capture (and keep) interest
- Include calls to action, links, and how they can work with you – easily
- Headlines must correspond to what the copy offers (don’t ‘fool’ readers)
- Write to add value, connect, establish trust and reliance
- Each piece of copy should include CTA’s … share a link, schedule a call, offer up a freebie to grow your email list, or to join your online community or platform
- Provide options and give them an action to take … don’t leave them hanging
- Once complete, read through your copy … edit and omit any fluff
Good copy targets the prospects desires and eliminates all possible objections.
Let’s face it … if we’re looking to part with our hard-earned money, we want to know what’s in it for us.
From headline to taglines … copy captures interest when you clearly express what you do and what’s in it for them.
If you’re struggling to connect with your audience, you’re not making sales, and if you’re working in the shadows … your copy is not working.
As an entrepreneur, it’s your job to elevate your copy to capture messaging in almost every aspect of your coaching business.
Nitty Gritty – the issue here is not what you’re attempting to convey, but how you’re saying it.
Copy is multifaceted … as it embeds branding, conversion, marketing, persuasion, sales, and of course, good creative writing.
I know what you’re thinking … I’m a Coach, I didn’t get into this business to write … I want to help people change their lives.
And yes, I understand where you’re at.
You want to make a living by coaching clients and selling signature offers.
That’s all well and good, but if you’re unable to channel and create compelling copy that converts, it will be a tough road to make an impact and generate consistent revenue.
And that’s a problem.
To rectify this, you need to put out personality-driven copy or conversion copy to your ideal audience and compel them to take action.
You may not be the best creative writer nor love sales, but if you want to thrive in business, you need to either create good copy or hire someone to craft the best copy to sell your coaching services.
If you’re looking for great copy … connect with me, LT, and I’ll craft copy your audience can’t get enough of.
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