Email Creation

Why do some business owners have a responsive email list that grows daily?

December 1, 2021

By 9 a.m., Heidi has already whipped up some buttermilk pancakes, managed to avoid several sticky fingers, and dropped off two kiddos at primary school (all while I sit here in my polar fleece jammies).

On the way home, she grabs a piping hot coffee from her local café, and once settled into her stylish home office; she opens her inbox.

In typical fashion, Heidi, a successful Brand Photographer, is organized and adheres to a tight schedule.

Each day as Heidi sips her morning coffee, she allots a mere 12 minutes to scan and read through her inbox, determining what requires her immediate attention.

67 new emails.

12 minutes.

The clock is ticking…

And if you think only a speed reader could pull this off.

You’d be correct!

Now, I know Heidi is a kick-ass businesswoman, but believe me, she is no speed reader.

And to my surprise, I’ve heard she often reads emails more than once!

*perplexed look*

Can you guess how she does it with minutes to spare?

(we here at The Copy Rebellion were intrigued – case of FOMO)

Here’s the inside scoop…

Heidi has learned to scan, skip, or stack her emails.

It’s an easy but solid method that saves her from falling down the rabbit hole.

And what you need to know to grow (& engage) your email list.

Allow Heidi to walk you through her process, so your email is never stacked…

“At first, I peruse my inbox to see who’s visiting, and in a flash, a name grabs my attention. My decision is easy, especially if the subject line speaks to me.

At this moment, if the words intrigue me and speak my language, I click rather than skip.

But this email marketing hasn’t won me over just yet.

Once I’ve opened the email, I look for the title (header), or at least the first three lines to coincide with the subject line, or I feel duped. And before I hit delete, I determine if the copy sounds legit and feels inviting (I hate template copy – like I’ve heard this before, couldn’t you have put in a little more effort?). I also avoid anything too salesy. But if the email is well-written and brimming with the likes of a good story – you’ve hooked me in”.

(keep in mind, we write emails for Heidi, and she is well-versed in email marketing – this gal knows what she’s talking about)

“At this moment, I reward brands that consistently show up, deliver, and captivate my attention – in the most meaningful way (no matter the word count). It’s so much more than clever use of words – it’s a feeling. And this is the very reason I don’t write the emails for my audience – it’s not in my wheelhouse.”

And so, Heidi leaves us with this…

“The key here is I ONLY read an email from people or brands who check off the following boxes…

  • they are an authority in their field
  • they use an intriguing subject line
  • they do not spam me with sales messaging
  • they are known to entertain or offer some value
  • they share a story that will make me think, laugh or smile
  • the emails are not poorly written nor full of B.S

“And if any email doesn’t check off these boxes…they are stacked.

Stacked in the to-be-read trash bin folder…never to be opened”.

Well, there you have it.

Size does not matter.

Quality wins out.

As do the tips, tools, and teachings…

  • know your stuff
  • be genuine
  • treat people as you would like to be treated
  • give more than you take
  • be relatable, and don’t talk out your arse
  • own and share your story
  • and most importantly, if you have nothing nice (or of value) to say, say nothing at all (my dad instilled this in me too)

If you think you’ve got the writing chops to pull this off…

Step into the shoes of your audience.

Figuratively speaking. Not literally, that could be uncomfortable.

*where size does matter*

Imagine a day in the life of your reader.

What are their likes, dislikes, challenges, interests, and responsibilities?

Find the time to craft an email that covers one (or more) of the above.

Before long, you’ll pull together a few ideas that up the ante, and you’re one step closer to having your click rates soar.

But don’t stop there.

Ask yourself…

  • what does my audience need (& want) to hear?
  • what is the purpose of my email?
  • is my brand voice on-point?
  • is the email written to captivate readers right to the end?
  • am I writing with clarity, creativity and consistency?
  • have I included a call to action?

It’s not enough to merely whip up a few sentences to ‘check in’ with your list.

And never settle for writing good enough or neglect those on your list.

You know what I’m talking about it…

Put a finger up if you received an email from a ‘stranger’ who had the audacity to email you about their Black Friday offer but has neglected to connect with you in months!

It’s simple, don’t be a douche.

Don’t be that person that says, “I’ll call you,” but you never do.

And if you’re as smart as I think you are…

Your next step is to adopt the habit of crafting the very best emails to engage, entertain, and offer up value + build a rapport with your audience to give them a reason to stick around.

Remember, email marketing is one of the most effective tools you can use to grow your business.

And it’s nothing short of conversational exchanges, a dash of personality, storytelling, and a little TLC.

But don’t take my word for it…

“LT and her team have saved my business. I am confident in what I do as a Brand Photographer, but their email copywriting is on another level. I do read their emails more than once. How can you not? I have significantly grown my list in the last two years. And not only that, I have sold out offers because the email campaigns they’ve written have nailed it.”

Heidi in a nutshell…

Heidi has grown her list from 256 to over 18K in 22 months.

She no longer struggles to attract ideal clients.

And she no longer becomes anxious to share her brand story.

Heidi is a force to be reckoned with.

And she sells out 3 big offers annually.

Heidi is the entrepreneur in you.

Unless you’re a lazy bum and looking to skip a step…

Nah, I get a sense you’re working hard to level up. Am I right?

If you want to send out storytelling emails to build a more meaningful connection with your audience (& sell your offers too), then head to

Click here to connect with LT to master your message & turn browsers into buyers.

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Click here to connect with LT to master your message & turn browsers into buyers.

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Options: touched up copy

how it works ...

• Refresh of blogs, emails, courses, sales page & website
• Give your website copy a makeover (rework of 2-3 pages)
• Copy audit & refine for entire website (Think Big, Go Deep) 
• Improve copy fast, empower yourself & stand out!

• Detailed questionnaire to understand you (prior to session) 
• Copy Talk (Zoom) - Check ins, insider strategy & quick wins 
• Actionable Insight: headlines, body copy, brand story & taglines 
• Competitor research conducted & big ideas to stand out & convert


All Services Billed in CDN dollars

Lara is a Registered Social Worker based in Ontario, Canada. She provides specialized therapeutic services to women across Canada. She has a passion for assisting women in navigating and mastering their career and life transitions, enhancing their relationships, and overcoming challenges like anxiety, affair recovery, burnout, and feelings of low self-worth. Lara helps women build resilience and confidence, empowering them to stand strong and thrive in every aspect of their lives.


Lara (Torrance) taylor, B.S.W, R.S.W

© lara (Torrance) taylor div, of Taylor Written Inc. 2024 

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